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Alumni Connected

Student life is the best, isn’t it? But as with everything good, it doesn’t last forever. The memorable moment of graduation - and before you notice your student friends are scattered around the world and keeping in touch is not as easy anymore. Have you ever wondered where life takes the alumni of UG?

In each episode of our podcast series Alumni Connected we invite and interview an inspiring alum from the University of Groningen. Our guests are coming from all parts of the world and have a unique story to tell. They share the most memorable moments of their student years in Groningen, give career advice and life lessons they learned along the way. Every episode offers a valuable insight into the lives of our graduates and brings you back to your student times.

Would you like to stay connected? Stay tuned for our next episode!

Episode 1.1 - Tobias Reiter

In this episode of Alumni Connected we interview Tobias Reiter, the CEO and founder of the Eastern Africa based health-tech company VIEBEG. In this dynamic conversation we touch upon many topics such as the unique characteristics of social entrepreneurship in Africa, gender equality in education and workplace and a life-changing role of Groningen in Tobias’s story. If you’d like to listen to an inspiring story of a social entrepreneurship journey from an enthusiastic and motivating speaker look no further - this episode of Alumni Connected has it all covered!

Episode 1.2 - Paul Polman

In this episode, we talk to Paul Polman, former CEO of Unilever and co-author of Net Positive, about the world needing more courageous business leaders that dare to make a net positive impact on society. This means that companies should give back more than they take. We discuss how business must move from a shareholder perspective to a stakeholder perspective, going beyond the traditional CSR targets. Do you want to learn more about Paul's net positive vision for business and how you can build a successful career through helping to solve the world's problems? Listen to the new episode!

Episode 1.3 - Katrin Heinzerling

Katrin Heinzerling, a PhD student in Christian Serre's group at ENS Paris, was the guest on this edition of Alumni Connected. She is working on the METHASOL (Horizon 2020) project with an emphasis on sustainability. She discusses her current research, how essential it is, and why we should focus on sustainability more than we do today in this episode. Take a listen to the latest episode!

Last modified:29 September 2022 11.59 a.m.