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Maatschappij/bedrijven Centrum voor Informatie Technologie

Course - Introduction to R (online/hybrid)

From:Tu 05-03-2024 19:00
Until:Tu 28-05-2024 21:00

In this beginners course we'll guide you through the basics of importing data, cleaning and restructuring the data, visualizing and summarizing your data, and finally applying statistical models on your data.

The R programming language is written by and for (data-)scientists to be a powerful tool for datascience, statistics and data-visualisation. R is free and open source, which means professionals all over the world are continually updating and adding functionality. With R you can transform and investigate your raw data into actionable insights that drive intelligent decision-making and innovation.

At the end of the course you'll not only be able to work with R, but you will also be able to expand your knowledge in your own specific work field.

Date, time and location

This twelve week evening course is set up specifically for Life-Long-Learners who work all day, but still want to learn R. All sessions take 2 hours on Tuesday evenings from 19:00-21:00 and take 1-2 hours of preparation each. All presentations will be given via Blackboard collaborate and can be followed online. Even if sessions would be onsite, you can always choose to join online.

Trainer: Theo van Mourik
Language of instruction: English

Also interested in other IT-courses? Check out our course offering on the Corporate Academy website.